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Greetings and Namaste !
I’m Madhura, a self taught watercolor artist , educator and interior designer. With a love for all things creative. I’m happiest when I’m surrounded by colors, flowers, and the beauty of nature. This is my space to share that joy with you.

  My painting journey began when I was just a kid. I always loved playing with colors and creating art. But as I grew older, life got busier, and painting took a backseat as I focused more on my studies. Eventually, I got into a well-known college to pursue a bachelor’s degree in interior design.

      Our curriculum was pretty old-school—we weren’t allowed to use laptops or PCs for the first three years, so we relied on watercolors and other mediums to render spaces. It was during this time that I really connected with watercolors and became fascinated by them. I started experimenting and painting different subjects, and that’s how my journey as a watercolor artist began.

      When I’m not painting, I love to be out in nature. Traveling, going on hikes, and taking long walks bring me a lot of peace. There’s something special about slowing down and just soaking in the beauty around us. I’m all about living a slow, mindful life where I can truly enjoy every moment. Besides that, I’m a big sports fan! You’ll often find me watching a game, hitting the badminton court, or spending time with some adorable pets. They bring so much joy and balance to my life, and they’re the perfect companions when I’m not lost in my paints and brushes.

      I share a lot more about my painting journey, life updates, and tips and tricks over on my Instagram page @madhurasfloraldiary. If you want to stay connected and get a peek behind the scenes, come join me there!

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